Scouting Through a Pandemic

Since March, COVID-19 has been the reason for lockdowns and closures across the world to reduce the spread of the virus. The Scouts BSA organization was no exception. Camps closed down nationally, and Troops were forced to meet over video calls, if at all. In the midst of all of these closures and cancellations, one council began to bring hope to Scouts across the US.

In late March, when most school districts closed down, the Central Florida Council hosted the first online merit badge classes. Several Merit Badges were offered over the course of a week, and each one was taught by a counselor from within Central Florida Council. Central Florida Council continued these week long classes for several more weeks, but they weren’t the only ones.

After weeks of Central Florida’s classes, other councils, such as North Piedmont out of North Carolina, began to join in, using similar methods to Central Florida. Even leaders hosted classes for local Scouts.

Once restrictions were beginning to lift, some Troops hoped to be able to enjoy their Summer Camp that year. Sadly, many camps were still closed. However, some Troops, such as Troop 199 out of central Indiana’s Crossroads of America Council, hosted their own at public parks, while maintaining social distancing and following CDC protocol. More information on that can be found here:

While COVID-19 creates chaos, Scouting has provided a safe alternative for its traditional gatherings, so Scouts can still enjoy time with their Troop, no matter what.

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