
Summer Camp 2020: Camp Covid

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, all day camps, etc were shut down for 2020. Now that our area has lifted many of the restrictions, We thought that our normal Summer Camp would be back on. However, the region that the camp was in was still not permitting anyone coming to the camp-Scouts included. This wouldn’t stop Troop 199, though.

With the Novel Coronavirus on the loose, we were limited as to what we could do, but we ended up hosting at a variety of locations for our private Summer Camp. While we typically spend each night of the week at camp, with the restrictions of the pandemic, we had to resort to a day camp method, where Scouts would go home for the night.

Each day, a variety of Merit Badge classes were taught by leaders in the Troop, ranging from Traffic Safety to Personal Management. Scouts could choose what classes they wanted to take, or if they didn’t want any class at that time.

Protocols were still in place, such as wearing a mask and/or staying 6 feet apart where possible. These policies were heavily monitored, and Scouts stayed safe because of it. As of the time I am writing this, no cases have been confirmed from camp. In the end, we stayed safe, and a good time was had by all.

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